Monday, January 16, 2012

Introducing Flower Girl

Hello boys and girls, shrews, creeps, smilers, frowners, uppers and read downers.  I'm Flower Girl,
I love flowers, I even like to eat them but mostly I like to smell them, look at them and sometimes eat them.  From Daisies to Orchids.  My favorite all time is an orchid that Peace Dog brought from the Amazon and gave to me, absolutely divine.  Flowers always make people smile and the ones that they don't you don't want to know anyway.  I'm sure flowers are the answer to most human problems.  I guess I'm a positive thinker and I do have hope for civilization even in year that some call the last.  These Mayans got the whole world spinning out of control but the pandemonium to me is like a field of wild flowers on a windy day.  I would like to give a big paw out to Ugger, the star of silent movie The Artist.
That jack terrier had all eyes on him as he walked up the red carpet at the Golden Globes,  everybody was looking at him even though the the most beautiful women in the world were cavalcading down the runway from Jolie to Madonna.  It was a beautiful sight and Ugger took all the attention of both the attendees and the media.  Check out our gregarious four footed movie star who is the gleem in every bitches eye:  Oh yeah, honey, and if Ugger honey,  you ever want to licking you'll never forget, you can reach me at the email.  I'm going to go and watch and rewatch Uggie's performance.  He makes my heart happy.  Let your heart be happy
it doesn't cost anything and makes you feel good not to mention makes you feel more alive.  All my best,
Hugs and kisses...Flower

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Peace Dog Doesn't Like Politics..

     Peace Dog is going to let Growler tell the story of politics and dogs.  Take it away Growler.  Thanks Peace, the Republicans are doing the two step to pick a nominee and to further dumb-down America.
Politicians train people like people train dogs but with out the love and bacon bites.  Mitt Romney
is running strong but no dog in their right mind would vote for him knowing his past.  More of that later, there has been a dog in the White House for most of it's history with a few exceptions that I won't
name here since they are non-existent in dog's minds.  The array of dogs is amazing from George Washington's Coon Dog to Obama's Portuguese Water Dog; Franklin Pierce had seven Miniature Orientals;  Garfield's dog was named an apropos, Veto; Teddy Roosevelt had eight dogs, not to be outdone Calvin Coolidge had ten dogs; FDR had a couple of dogs the most noteworthy Fala, who was accidentally left in the Aleutian Chain and special forces were sent back to find her that turned into a political nightmare, but was forgiven for what it was, the presidents love of his dog.  Of course there was Checkers, Richard Nixon's dog of the speech that set him up to run for president against Kennedy, JFK had several dogs most notable the puppy that the Soviet Premiere gave to him as a gift, that was the baby of the original Soviet Space Dog and was referred to as Mutt; and then there was Lyndon Johnson who suffered some backlash as he was shown grabbing his dogs by the ears.  So dogs have been involved politics even though they never want to be.  But this newest face on the political band wagon, Mitt Romney, who committed the most treasonous of dog crimes and something  that no dog can forgive.  On a trip to Canada with his family he tied his dog in its kennel and strapped it on top of his car.  Letting it whine, bark, defecate and be scared for mile after driven mile.  So you can see why Mr. Romney won't get on dog's vote...Thanks Peace, Over And Out, Growler


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Peace Dog Wants You

I have no master, I have no heroes I do have great friends including Flower Girl and Growler along with
the millions of people I have met all over the world.  If you listen to the news or read the newspapers which for good reason are used as training pads for puppies everywhere.  In this first "Diary of A Dog"
I will not venture into the mass media, financial, politics and even religious ethics or lack of ethics.  This bow-wow of a world has been really digging a hole for itself at least it will have a place to bury itself.
Recently I got a text from one of my outposts on Mount Kilamanjaro, Mountain Dog, The text said the view was great the climbers weren't, leaving behind garbage (although he did say he has grabbed a snack or two from the waste) on the pristine peak in the cradle of civilzation on a continent
that has suffered and is suffering from what seems to be a huge conspiratory.  I could go on and on about the perils and crimes against Africa but Mountain Dog says it best "I wish people would find time to help this continent and not just shine in the glory of climbing a mountain.  But of course it is far more difficult to conquer the mountains of civilizations problems than climbing a mountain.  Mountain Dog, says he's keeping an eye on this great continent and will keep me informed about the good and bad that are happening below.  Mountain Dog, is just one, of the cadre of volunteers who are seeing things with their own eyes instead of TV or Computer eyes.  What will follow in these writing is why a dog is "man's best friend" and a best friend doesn't let the other take a dive into the chaos they are creating and not even noticing.  Until the next encounter, Peace Dog, over and out...